Chakra balancing is the way towards arriving at a role of concord between the soul, body, and wellbeing. It ensures that there is an agreeable development of vitality all through the body.
From concentrating on established prosperity to feeling unfastened and grounded, each one of the 7 vital chakras is of fascinating significance. They begin from the finish of your spinal line and go proper to the zenith of your head.
What is a chakra?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or disk. Seven chakras begin at the base of the spin and form together with the aura or torus of the human body. They are power receptors or wheels of light that manner subtle electricity currents and convert them into chemical, hormonal and cell modifications that take vicinity in your physique by way of the Endocrine System.
Each chakra relates to distinctive degrees of consciousness. Our Thought technique is effective as our ideas assist create and structure our reality. For instance, from the moment of birth, our chakras start creating via our thoughts and thoughts. They are additionally ruled with the aid of colour or frequency, body features and more. Some Chakras are imbalanced from birth due to a past lifestyle and some can even strengthen blockages over time. The vital thing is they can be healed and transformed.
Healing the chakras is an extraordinary process that includes quite a several methods such as self-discovery, self-love, questioning self actions, vibrational medicine, forgiveness, focusing on the attributes of every chakra and even every now and then illness.
What is the centre of energy in our body?
While in the 20th century, many Pagan and Wiccan traditions have used the Asian thought of chakras, or energy centres in the body, to extend their European traditional techniques of healing, cleansing, and defending and empowerment. The word chakra itself comes from Hindu, like karma and many different esoteric loan words.
In our human body, there are three kinds of electricity centres. The decrease or animal chakras are in the place between the toes and the pelvic region. The human chakras lie alongside the spinal column. Finally, the greater or divine Chakras are located between the top of the spine and the crown of the head. There is additionally the greater controversial Transpersonal Chakras that begin after the crown and embody the Auric field. However, most humans want to work with the first seven as they are connected to the Earth plane. These Chakras are continuously flowing into each other. Each Chakra will take in power and launch it in a cyclical sample that is formed into a Torus shape. There is also a different manner than awakens the chakras to their full potential, this is recognized as a Kundalini Awakening.
The natural energies used in the Wiccan exercise come from our bodies and enable us to connect with the many other natural sources of energy. Thus, we ought to apprehend how our own body energies function and are renewed.
The Power of sound energy – How to Balance the Chakras & Feel Good Vibrations:
Every chakra in your body has a chakra sound associated with it, additionally acknowledged as a bija mantra or seed mantra.
These chakra sounds are very powerful when it comes to unblocking your seven chakras and awakening your kundalini life force.
Mantric sounds (seed mantras or bija mantras) are extremely good equipment for tuning our thought and physique to correct full of life resonance.
Chanting seed mantras at some point of your yoga exercise or meditation will enable you to change the flow of the power in your body and eliminate stagnant lively blocks.
1. LAM – Root Chakra
2. VAM - Sacral Chakra
3. RAM – Solar Plexus Chakra
4. YAM – Heart Chakra
5. HAM – Throat Chakra
6. SHAM - Third Eye Chakra
7. OM – Crown Chakra
What is Mudra and Mantras?
Mudra may be a symbolic way of communicating with the deity by using different hand gestures. The word mudra is often translated to 'seal', 'mark' or 'gesture'.Mudras play a crucial role in many Hindu and Buddhist rituals, and that they are fairly often used alongside mantras in chanting sounds), asanas are body positions, and pranayama is a breathing technique.
Hand mudras are believed to possess positive healing properties because they permit you to raised channel higher energies into your body and mind and According to Hindu tradition, each finger represents one of the five elements.
1. Thumb - Fire
2. Index finger - Air
3. Middle finger - Ether
4. Ring finger - Earth
5. Little finger - Water
So, your fitness actually lies at your fingertips, because you have full manage over your fingers.
When any of your 5 fingers are organized in a specific way, you can modify the tiers of these factors and set off top-notch health.
Mudras: Do They Really Work?
Mudras have the power to heal when performed correctly and each of the hand seals is held for at least 5 minutes.
Nerve endings in your fingers can send signals directly to your brain and endocrine glands in your body.
Mudras have a long history and are associated with ancient Indian, Vedic culture.
They are not, as some may believe, derived from Japanese manga, but they can be.
Introduction of 7 Chakras:
1. Root Chakra
2. Sacral Chakra
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Heart Chakra
5. Throat Chakra
6. Third-eye Chakra
7. Crown Chakra
Symbol Meaning:
The root chakra symbol is a four-petalled red lotus flower.
The four petals illustrated the four major aspects of the human psyche:
1. Keep in mind (Manas)
2. Knowledge (Buddhi)
3. Self-awareness (Chitta)
4. The ego (Ahamkara)
The four corners represent the four cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west.
We can go in any direction in life if we have a solid foundation.
The straight down triangle in the centre of the root chakra symbol represents our consciousness expanding.
It is the place where kundalini shakti sleeps, waiting to be awoken and brought back up to the source.
What Is the Main objective of the root chakra?
Muladhara, or the root chakra, is located at the base of your spine.
It gives you a foundation for life and helps you feel grounded and capable of overcoming challenges. The root chakra is in charge of your sense of security and stability.
The Root Chakra, also known as the Base Chakra, is the first of the seven chakras to be activated. It is associated with survival, grounding, and safety.
The root chakra serves as the foundation for our entire system, and it is located at the base of the spine between the coccyx and the pelvic bone. It is red in colour.
The root chakra's primary function is to keep you grounded in the physical world and alive.
The root chakra does have a direct link to Mother Earth and is associated with the element earth. Muladhara, which means "root support," is the Sanskrit name for this chakra.
This Chakra denotes the first step into the physical world. If we do not balance this chakra before moving on to the next,
Mudra and Mantra for root chakra:
Root Chakra Meditation:
Yoga practice will strengthen your connection to the Earth and help you to feel more grounded.
A most main root chakra meditation is similar to a concentration meditation in that you focus your attention on the root chakra's location.
While there are many meditation methods available to help you balance your root energy, a focused seated asana with a mantra chant and hand gesture is the simplest.
1. Take a straight stance with your feet together.
2. Lift your toes slowly and place them back on the floor.
3. Pull your kneecaps up and sequence your thighs.
4. Exhale and lift from the waist.
5. Take 4 to 8 deep breaths and hold them.
6. Exhale and lower the shoulders.
Yoga Poses for the root chakra:
· Bridge Pose (Setu Bhandasana)
· Garland Pose or Squat (Malasana)
· Head-to-Knee Pose (Janus Sirasana)
· Knee-to-Chest Pose (Apanasana)
· Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
2. The Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)
Symbol Meaning:
The sacral chakra is described by an orange lotus flower with six vermilion-coloured petals that hold a circle and a crescent moon within it.
The seed mantra in the sacral chakra symbol is the syllable VAM. The Hindu deity Vishnu is represented by a dot directly above the seed mantra symbol.
The moon is at the centre of the second chakra symbol, and water is its ruling element. The 28-day moon cycle affects the sea by creating a magnetic pull, and it also affects your body. This happens to women regularly during their 28-day menstrual cycle.
Inside of the crescent moon hides an alligator-like, water creature called Makara.
Makara has a long tail that represents the Kundalini coil and is a representation of your deep desires and animal instincts.
What Is the Main objective of the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is referring to romantic relationships; I'm referring to the health of your emotion and ability to connect relationship with yourself and others.
The second chakra is the primary centre of your creativity and emotional intelligence; however, the primary aspect of the second chakra is sexuality. One of the most potent energies in your body is sexual energy.
With a balanced sacral chakra, you can enjoy the pleasures of sex as an integrated part of life and see intimacy as a form of communication.
Sexuality is your life force as well as the sacred union of two people.
Bodily, the sacral chakra governs the entire pelvic region and is in charge of hydrating every cell in your body.
A healthy second chakra will improve your body's ability to eliminate toxins through the skin, urine, and lymphatic system.
Mudra and Mantra for Sacral Chakra:
Sacral chakra Meditation:
Water meditation is one of my favourite sacral chakra meditation techniques.
Sacral chakra meditations follow many of the same steps as traditional meditation practises, but they usually include a visualisation component that aids in the unblocking of the power centre at your navel.
1. Lie down in a lotus position with your spine straight, relax your body, and take several deep breaths.
2. Concentrate on the sensation of water cascading down your entire body and feeling the coolness of it.
3. As you progress through this meditation, bring your attention to your sacral chakra and imagine an orange, translucent light in this area.
4. Recognize an orange glow filling your entire pelvis as it expands and fills it.
5. Be mindful of the balance it brings to your life, and take as much time as you need to integrate this beautiful energy.
6. When you're ready, gently close and open your eyes through your sacral chakra.
Yoga Poses for the Sacral chakra :
· Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
· Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
· Squat Pose (Malasana)
· Child’s Pose (Balasana)
· Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
· Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
· Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
3. Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura)
Symbol Meaning:
The solar plexus chakra, also known as Manipura in Sanskrit, means "city of jewels." It is the centre of personal power and is located in the upper belly of the diaphragm. Personality, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity, are all governed by this chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is also associated with motivation, willpower, and purpose, all of which are derived from one's sense of personal efficacy. Self-esteem and self-image are also linked to the solar plexus chakra. Furthermore, this chakra governs the digestive system and its organs; as a result, it has authority over the gut's emotional brain as well as stored emotions.
The solar plexus chakra symbol is a yellow lotus with ten petals and a red triangle of fire (Tejas) in the centre. The solar plexus chakra is associated with fire (along with the sun) and its mantra is "I can." (As a result, manifestation work is specifically associated with this chakra.)
What Is the Main objective of Solar Plexus Chakra?
Your solar plexus chakra's primary function and purpose is transformation. Your third chakra's fire has the ability to transform matter into dynamic energy and power.
Your solar plexus chakra represents the element of fire as well as your dynamic, transformative relationship with the outside world, including your relationship with yourself.
Your solar plexus chakra provides fuel, energy, and keeps your body alive through the transformation process. The spark of life that ignites the transformation process is fire.
Mudra and Mantra for Solar Plexus Chakra:
· Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
· Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)
· Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
· Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)
· Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
· Firefly Pose (Tittibhasana)
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The heart chakra symbol is a green lotus with 12 petals and two intersecting triangles in the centre that form a hexagram. The first triangle represents God's masculine essence (interpreted as Shiva), while the second represents God's feminine essence (interpreted as Shakti).
What Is the Main objective of Heart Chakra?
The heart chakra serves as your spiritual centre, assisting you in developing a loving connection with yourself and others by cultivating compassion, empathy, the joy of being alive, and truth.
Through the power of unconditional love, Anahata connects you to the energy of life and a spirit. In other words, your heart serves as a link between your ego and your spirit.
When your heart chakra is in good health, it allows you to feel one with everything and transcend duality. The heart chakra's energy is similar to that of air: it is expansive, formless, soft, and gentle.
Mudra and Mantra for Heart Chakra:
Heart Chakra Meditation:
This amazing heart chakra meditation will assist you in bridging the mental and physical divide. You will imagine the colour green, focus on feelings of love, and integrate the breath as a key to your heart centre during this meditation.
Let us get started:
1. By sitting in a relaxed position. Sit tall with your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and chest open. Inhale deeply and lightly press the thumb knuckles into the sternum at heart level.
2. Soften your gaze or close your eyes slightly.
3. Let go of your thoughts and the outside world for the time being. Let go of any distractions and allow your mind to focus on how you feel.
4. Now rub your palms together to warm and energise them. Put one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach. Close your eyes and imagine the centre of your chest to be warm and radiant, brimming with energy. Take note of how soothing that is.
5. Draw your attention to your spiritual heart centre, which is located in the centre of your chest. You'll notice a green light start to appear. Allow this light to shine brighter with each inhalation.
6. Continue to breathe and feel your breath flowing into your heart while keeping your attention on the light. Visualize the heart's energy and the light that you see permeating the chest. Observe how this energy radiates out from the centre of your heart and into the rest of your body. Feel this energy flowing out into your arms and hands, then back into your heart. Recognize that you are safe and happy.
7. Use the mantra "I love myself and I forgive myself, I am as I am meant to be" as you breathe.
8. Enable your heart to keep opening and radiating love and positive energy. Allow all of the Universe's offerings to come in so you can feel all of the love that surrounds you.
9. When you feel completely soaked in heart chakra energy, gently let go of your palms by your side.
10. During your next inhale, raise your arms to the sky, connecting with the heavens, then exhale and gently lower your palms to the floor, connecting with the earth. Take a few moments to reflect before opening your eyes and continuing with your day.
Yoga Poses for the Heart Chakra:
· Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
· Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
· Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
· Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)
· Upward Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
· Half Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Symbol Meaning:
The throat chakra symbol is a bright blue lotus with 16 petals that is decorated with all of the Sanskrit language's vowels.
A downward-facing triangle with a circle inside it, representing the element of space (ether), and the syllable 'HAM', known as the throat chakra Bija Mantra, are located in the centre of the lotus.
Sadashiva, a god/goddess typically dressed in tiger skin with five heads (representing the five elements) and ten arms, is the deity associated with the Throat Chakra. Sadashiva embodies the Yin and Yang balance as well as eternal purity.
What Is the Main objective of Throat Chakra?
Communication, purification, creativity, and expressing your authenticity are all important functions of the throat chakra. The throat chakra is the centre of speech and sound.
The most important aspect of the Throat Chakra function, however, is not how you speak, but what you say and how true your words are.
In other words, this chakra governs your ability to communicate your true self without fear. With a healthy throat chakra, you will be able to express yourself and speak the truth from a place of integrity.
Mudra and Mantra for Throat Chakra:
Throat Chakra Meditation:
Close your eyes and invite your awareness to follow the very edge of your breath as it passes through your nostrils, hits the back of your throat, travels down your windpipe, and fills your lungs, expanding your heart centre.
Follow that same path as you exhale, allowing the flow of breath to massage the gateway of your throat, becoming a clearer, more effective conduit with each breath.
Visualize a pool of blue light filling your entire being as your body and mind begin to calm.
Yoga Poses for the Throat Chakra:
· Cat Cow pose (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)
· Seated Cat Cow pose (Upavistha Bitilasana Marjaryasana)
· Fish pose (Matsyasana)
· Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
· Baby Cobra pose (Ardha Bhujangasana)
· Puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)
5. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Symbol Meaning:
The third eye chakra symbol is a two-petalled indigo blue lotus. The lotus has a downward-facing triangle in the centre point that represents enlightenment and your connection to the divine with the syllable OM, which is known as the third eye chakra bija mantra. The OM is thought to be the world's fundamental sound, which includes all other sounds. It is also a sacred spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, where it is regarded as the Universe's supreme sound and a representation of the Creator.
What is the main objective of the Third Eye Chakra?
The third eye chakra governs your perception, creative thinking, and intuition. It is also in charge of your self-awareness, self-realization, imagination, and ability to visualise all of your dreams. People who have a highly developed third eye centre have a close connection with their astral bodies and are more capable of astral projection and lucid dreaming.
You will finally be able to transcend duality and polarity when you open your third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is the seat of the sixth sense, allowing you to see the world through the eyes of intuition and aiding in the clarification of your inner vision. Because the process of visualising your reality by imagining possibilities is an essential component of living a fulfilled life, the brow chakra is also regarded as your primary manifestation centre.
When working with your third eye chakra, one of the first things you can do is commit to the path of expanding your awareness to actualize the higher mind.
The ultimate goal is to develop the functional archetype of ‘The (Wise) Intuitive.' The Intuitive is best described as a person who has discovered the link between intellect and feelings.
Mudra and Mantra for Third Eye Chakra:
Third Eye Chakra Meditation:
Meditation supports the removal of toxins from the body, the charging up of energies, and the improvement of concentration. Forms of meditation can also assist you in becoming self-aware, activating your Ajna chakra, shifting your state of consciousness to higher states with each session, thereby removing anxiety and worries from the source and transcending into the innermost thought processes and making it work to the future.
Proceed by gently bringing your index finger and thumb together and closing your eyes. After that, take slow, deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Try to look up at the third eye, which is located just between your brows, with your eyes still closed. You can also use your fingers to pinpoint the location.
Hold this position for 10-20 minutes at a time. Relaxing music can help you channel your concentration even more. After that, exhale a deep breath, bring the palms together in front of the heart, and return to the first position. Blink your eyes open and hold this position for a few seconds before returning to your regular activities. Doing this simple activity every day, either in the morning or before going to bed, can do wonders for your chakras and heal them.
Yoga Poses for the Third Eye Chakra:
· Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
· Childs pose (Balasana)
· Extended Puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)
· Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
· Knees To Chest Pose (Apanasana)
· Legs Up The Wall pose (Viparita Karani)
· Headstand (Sirsasana)
7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Symbol Meaning:
The Crown Chakra symbol is a violet lotus with 1000 petals. The symbol's central circle represents the vacuum of space. The crown chakra symbol may include the syllable OM. The OM is thought to be the fundamental sound of the universe, which includes all other sounds. It is also a sacred spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, where it is revered as the supreme sound of the Universe and a representation of the Creator.
What is the main objective of the Crown Chakra?
The crown chakra's primary function is to connect you with the Divine force and an infinite source of healing energy via spirituality, self-realization, knowing, and enlightenment. When you start to open to the Divine's beautiful energy, your crown chakra acts as a direct, energetic channel to your Higher Self.
Consider your highest chakra to be a receiver of consciousness from the Source, keeping you in touch with the Divine and your Higher Self. This chakra awakens you to the fact that there is a deeper meaning and order in life, regulating all of creation.
Mudra and Mantra for Crown Chakra:
The most important practice for releasing the power of your crown chakra is meditation. It is a necessary habit to develop if you want to clear your mind, enlarge your awareness, and learn to listen to your inner voice. I am sure you are aware of the benefits of meditation, as they are frequently mentioned in the media these days.
Your crown chakra, on the other hand, is directly related to your brain, and any meditative practice that brings stillness to your mind will be very beneficial to your crown chakra. When your mind is quiet and calm, your brain waves begin to shift to the alpha state, and you connect to an infinite source of information.
Yoga Poses for the Crown Chakra:
· Supported Headstand (Salamba Sirasana)
· Legs Up The Wall pose (Viparita Karani)
· Lotus pose (Padmasana)
· Tree pose (Vrksasana)
· Standing Prayer Backbend (Ardha Anuvittasana)
· Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)
Pranayama and meditation techniques for the Seven Chakras:
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